A Christmas dream - An online children's story

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The sun was starting to set. He couldn’t go back home, or go on to the hill... He sank down onto the block of ice in despair and big, fat tears trickled down his furry coat. "I’m lost. I can’t get back home and I can’t post my letter to Santa Claus."

However, just as darkness was beginning to spread over the ice cap, a light shone in the sky and a very faint jingling sound reached his ears.

Lulu looked up into the starry sky.

What do you think he saw? He could hardly believe his eyes... Santa Claus’ sleigh, pulled by its team of reindeer!

Above him the sleigh began to slow down, before landing on the ice, leaving a trail of silver stars in its wake. Lulu stood open-mouthed in amazement before the man with the white beard, who said: "Are you coming, my little fellow? I’m going to take you back to your home". All his sadness and fears forgotten, Lulu climbed into the sleigh.

The little bear was dumbstruck! He – Lulu – was flying over the ocean in Santa Claus’ magnificent sleigh! He was so excited at how fast they were going, he even forgot all about his letter and the presents he wanted for Christmas. None of that mattered any more – his dream had come true!

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