The Story of Goldilocks & The Three Bears

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It was then that she noticed a door on the far side of the room. She decided to open it to see what lay behind. She discovered a staircase that climbed upwards, leading to the Bear family’s bedroom. In it she found three beds.
Each bed, of course, was of a different size – there was one big bed, one in between-sized bed and one little bed. As she was feeling tired, she decided she would try and have a sleep in the big bed, which belonged to Daddy Bear.
But it was too hard, so she tried Mummy Bear’s bed instead. But it was too soft, so she got up again and tried the last – and smallest – bed, which belonged to Baby Bear.
As soon as she lay down on it she was so comfortable that she fell into a deep sleep.

Goldilocks trying the smallest bedUpon the three bears’ return from their walk, they noticed at once that somebody had been in their house.

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