The Little Tin Soldier | Illustrated Stories

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The little boy’s bedroom was a treasure trove of toys. Out of all of these, the little one-legged soldier was immediately drawn to a beautiful ballerina, who was elegantly balanced upon a little pink base.The Little Tin Soldier and the Ballerina

She was wearing a pretty white tutu decorated with a sparking sequin. Her long brown locks were arranged into a neat little bun that revealed the full splendour of her angelic face. The little tin soldier would have loved to get to know this magnificent being, who just like him, stood on the one leg.
Even at night, whilst the other toys were playing and japing around, he stared at the object of his affections, utterly entranced and unable to tear his gaze away from her. He remained like that without moving, just looking at her...
Unluckily, one day, a jealous Jack-in-the-box popped out of a snuffbox and, turning to the little tin soldier, commanded him with a sneer: "Take your eyes off this little lady - or else!". But the little tin soldier ignored him and continued to gaze upon the beautiful ballerina.

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