The Little Tin Soldier | Illustrated Stories

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The little tin soldier was gripped by fear. The hope of seeing the beautiful ballerina again was the only thing that kept his spirits up in the face of the ordeals that the Jack-in-the-box had put him through. But the ordeals didn’t stop there: the little paper boat was carried into a deep stream where the current was even stronger.
As the paper started to rip, the little tin soldier struggled to stay upright; the boat sank, and even before he'd sunk to the river bottom, our hero was swallowed up by a fish.
But life has a surprise or two up its sleeve for us!
The fish in which the little tin soldier found himself was caught, sold in the marketplace and ended up in the kitchen of the house where the little boy lived.

The little tin soldier was discovered and so found himself back in the house that he had left and back with his beloved ballerina.The little tin soldier was inside the belly of a fishThe little tin soldier was overjoyed to see his ballerina once more. However, there were more surprises in store for him.

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